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Iron County Soccer Club

Copyright 2024 Iron County Soccer Club. Soccer games will be played at the football practice field near the West Iron County High School. Website design and hosting by North Country Website Design.


A) In the event of lightning and/or thunder, games and practices must be stopped and suspended until the danger has passed using the following minimum criteria: 1. The sighting of lightning or the hearing of thunder shall be reason enough to stop and suspend a game or practice. Stop immediately. 2. Coaches shall take their players to a safe location (inside a vehicle). Referees should follow suit. 3. Play or practice shall not be resumed prior to 30 minutes after the last sighting of lightning or the last sound of thunder. 4. Please note that rain or drizzle only are not conditions to stop, suspend or cancel a game. B) Jewelry, footwear, and shin guards are a few of the important safety topics to explain. 1. Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are not allowed. Please note that metal bobby pins, clips, or plastic combs can be dangerous if contact is made with the ball. Rubber bungee hair bands are accepted devices that can hold hair in place. 2. In regards to footwear, it is appropriate and of utmost importance that shoes made by well-known manufacturers are designated as soccer footwear and must be laced up during practices and games. Please note that gym shoes are an alternative to soccer cleats however, they tend to lose traction even on dry grass. This does not allow a player to change directions easily and athletically. Lastly, we do not encourage multipurpose cleats because they have a reinforced toe. Kids wearing these cleats have a propensity not to learn proper kicking technique and instead poke the ball or an opposing player with their toe. 3. Shin guards must go inside the sock and be covered entirely by the sock. This secures the guard to the leg. Overlapping the top of the sock over the shin guard is not allowed.

Iron County Soccer Club

Copyright 2024 Iron County Soccer Club. Soccer games will be played at the football practice field near the West Iron County High School. Website design & hosting by North Country Website Design.


A) In the event of lightning and/or thunder, games and practices must be stopped and suspended until the danger has passed using the following minimum criteria: 1. The sighting of lightning or the hearing of thunder shall be reason enough to stop and suspend a game or practice. Stop immediately. 2. Coaches shall take their players to a safe location (inside a vehicle). Referees should follow suit. 3. Play or practice shall not be resumed prior to 30 minutes after the last sighting of lightning or the last sound of thunder. 4. Please note that rain or drizzle only are not conditions to stop, suspend or cancel a game. B) Jewelry, footwear, and shin guards are a few of the important safety topics to explain. 1. Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are not allowed. Please note that metal bobby pins, clips, or plastic combs can be dangerous if contact is made with the ball. Rubber bungee hair bands are accepted devices that can hold hair in place. 2. In regards to footwear, it is appropriate and of utmost importance that shoes made by well-known manufacturers are designated as soccer footwear and must be laced up during practices and games. Please note that gym shoes are an alternative to soccer cleats however, they tend to lose traction even on dry grass. This does not allow a player to change directions easily and athletically. Lastly, we do not encourage multipurpose cleats because they have a reinforced toe. Kids wearing these cleats have a propensity not to learn proper kicking technique and instead poke the ball or an opposing player with their toe. 3. Shin guards must go inside the sock and be covered entirely by the sock. This secures the guard to the leg. Overlapping the top of the sock over the shin guard is not allowed.